Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Okay, so you should know that many of the randomly funny things I will blog about will come from a math class that me and my bestie, Danielle (http://www.blogger.com/profile/05049189912017400298), have together.
We were working on a math problem and our teacher asked the class, "So what are we going to get?" No one said a word, and then she continued, as if someone had answered, "That's right, negative one." Now that may not seem funny to you, but I can assure you, to Danielle and I, it was hilarious and we failed many times when we tried to make ourselves stop laughing.
Then, later in our math class, our teacher did the unforgettable. She said, "So what do we gots to do?"
Now, to some people that may seem fine, but to two students who practically consider reading and writing their lives, the improper grammar in which she used was horrible, and we both muttered - at the same time, "Oh my god." We shook our heads and, as I can only speak for myself here, I couldn't forget about that. Not okay in my book. After all, shouldn't teachers at least know the basics to proper grammar? Even if they are math teachers, they should still know how to properly speak!
Finally, when our teacher assigned more homework to the class, we all chorused 'aw' at the same time and she looked at us and sternly said, "Don't 'aw' me." That was just amusing.
Well, I hope I didn't bore you and I hope you return tomorrow for a new post.
Until then - Enjoy life, and don't pay any notice to those who call you weird, because I am weird in every way, yet you are here, reading all the way to the end of this post. Weird is fun, weird is creative, and weird isn't normal. Weird is better in my book!

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