Friday, April 20, 2012

Bullies and Bullied

Well, I really don't understand the point in being a bully. I just thought you should all know out there that if you are a bully...well, you can be so much better than that. Stop being pathetic, stop hurting someone else just because you're jealous, stop harassing others - Because it is Not Cool. No matter what you think or what other bullies say, you are Not Better because you know how to be a dumb jerk to others and you know how to make someone end up committing suicide! Oh, wait, did you not realize that that's what you are doing? Well, you should know, when you hurt someone, you never know what is going on in their life, and maybe they were on that tipping point where one good thing could save them and your bulling could kill them. It's Not Okay to bully. It's Not Alright to kill someone. It's Not Acceptable for you to be so horrible. Now please grow up, become better, and move on to a better place for yourself and others around you. And no, that does not mean become depressed and kill yourself, that would be worse. Just grow up and, for a start, go to those you have hurt and make it right. That should help you and them, and who knows? Maybe you will become the next model citizen. Well, maybe not that big of a change should be expected, but still, everyone is capable of greatness - don't underestimate how good you can be, nor of how good another could become. So whether you are a bully or you know a bully, get out of that rut or help someone out. The world can be better if we help it.

~Alyssa Hellenbrand~

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