Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Introduction To Random Blogging

Now, I have three other blogs, and some may think I have a few too many, but I disagree with those weirdos. Am I obsessed with blogging? The answer to that question is this: YES! Is their a problem with that? The answer to that question is: UNKNOWN! Am I crazy? The answer to that question is: CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!
Well, anyways, I made this blog so that I wouldn't be writing pointless random crap on my other blogs. This blog is going to be 100% randomnessfullcrap, as my title informs you. During my blogging, I will answer any questions you people out there have for me - or, at least most of them. Also, you should know that you don't have to post your comments here on my blog, you can email me at randomnessfullcrap@gmail.com. Have a nice stay, and make sure to read some of my other blogs if you are bored and/or like music, writing, or reading. Here is a link to my main page: http://www.blogger.com/profile/14506350331815667397.

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