Monday, April 30, 2012
My Life...
I am sad, lost, confused...I know too much, not enough, and just the right amount...I don't know you anymore, me anymore, or my future anymore...I am a confusing, jumbled, lost person with too many thoughts and emotions thanks to hormones. Or at least I like to use hormones as an excuse, but I know I put it all on myself. I become too shy, too outgoing, too awkward...always at the wrong time.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Missing Y'all
I haven't been on for FOUR DAYS! My friend actually introduced me to Blogspot not too long ago, but I love seeing that others really are interested in what I am saying and it's a great feeling to know that I can inspire someone or at least brighten their day. So, what I am trying to say is : now I am addicted to blogging. Never thought that would happen, but now that it has, I am happy. Less Facebook time, more Blogspot time! Both are a plus as far as I am concerned! Well, until later, enjoy life and BE RANDOM! (it's always more fun)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Spirits or What?
So if you were looking up modern poets and suddenly your vision fogged, your ears rang, and your head felt like it was filled with water...what would you call that? Because, to me, I see it as a spirit passing through me. I have been slapped by one, haunted, and chased. Yet never before have they passed through me to such an extreme. I believe it was a spirit, but I would like to know what you think, too. Here's a poem I wrote about my experience on my writing blog :
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
New 2012 Chevy CORVETTE!
I was in money & banking when we were learning about how to save up money so you can buy your cars for free. We saved up $500 dollars every 10 months and for my group's 10th car, we got a brand-new 2012 Chevy Corvette for a great sale of $49,987! (now I wish I was able to really have that car!!)
Monday, April 23, 2012
Rats :)
Sitting here, typing up this post, and watching my baby girls have fun :)
P.S. My baby girls are two rats!
Over here is Luna Over here is Sky
Friday, April 20, 2012
Bullies and Bullied
Well, I really don't understand the point in being a bully. I just thought you should all know out there that if you are a bully...well, you can be so much better than that. Stop being pathetic, stop hurting someone else just because you're jealous, stop harassing others - Because it is Not Cool. No matter what you think or what other bullies say, you are Not Better because you know how to be a dumb jerk to others and you know how to make someone end up committing suicide! Oh, wait, did you not realize that that's what you are doing? Well, you should know, when you hurt someone, you never know what is going on in their life, and maybe they were on that tipping point where one good thing could save them and your bulling could kill them. It's Not Okay to bully. It's Not Alright to kill someone. It's Not Acceptable for you to be so horrible. Now please grow up, become better, and move on to a better place for yourself and others around you. And no, that does not mean become depressed and kill yourself, that would be worse. Just grow up and, for a start, go to those you have hurt and make it right. That should help you and them, and who knows? Maybe you will become the next model citizen. Well, maybe not that big of a change should be expected, but still, everyone is capable of greatness - don't underestimate how good you can be, nor of how good another could become. So whether you are a bully or you know a bully, get out of that rut or help someone out. The world can be better if we help it.
~Alyssa Hellenbrand~
~Alyssa Hellenbrand~
Wedding Toppers!
Are you bored by normal wedding cake topers? Well, don't use one, then! Instead, try one of these!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Creative Ringtone - Original
"So I'm not answering the phone as you can most likely tell by now and you plan on leaving me a message, I suppose. You most likely think I didn't get to my phone in time, I have no service, or my phone was dead. But what if it's something else? What if:
1) I am locked in a freezer and my hands are too frozen to open the door.
2) My ability to ignore the feeling I was being watched suddenly overwelmed me and I'm having a mental brake-down right now.
3) I know it's you calling thanks to something called caller ID and I don't want to talk to you.
4) Some other random reason.
5) I'm reading and you can NOT take me away from my books.
So now that you've wasted a few minutes of your life that you will never be able to get back, go ahead. Leave me a message now as soon as that awesome beep sounds."
- BEEP -
1) I am locked in a freezer and my hands are too frozen to open the door.
2) My ability to ignore the feeling I was being watched suddenly overwelmed me and I'm having a mental brake-down right now.
3) I know it's you calling thanks to something called caller ID and I don't want to talk to you.
4) Some other random reason.
5) I'm reading and you can NOT take me away from my books.
So now that you've wasted a few minutes of your life that you will never be able to get back, go ahead. Leave me a message now as soon as that awesome beep sounds."
- BEEP -
~Alyssa Hellenbrand~
Do you believe in: Ghosts?
Many people say that ghosts aren't real. They come up with their own unique ways of explaining how something that should have never been possible happened.
When someone sees, feels, or hears a ghost...
...Scientists say they didn't have an experience with a ghost because they are not real. Then they explain the possible causes for why we believed we had an encounter with a ghost :
- radiation
- vivid imaginations
- sleep deprived
- crazy
- there was a draft
- someone else must have been there
- drunk or under some type of influence
Anyways, back to ghosts, I personally believe that ghosts are real because I saw a shadowed figure chase me down a hallway and I have gotten lost down a hallway because it led to another hall that wasn't there the morning after when I went to go explore again. Numerous times I have had a door-handle start moving around as if someone was trying to open the door, and when I opened the door, no one was there. I have been slapped by a ghost, or as scientists would say, I wasn't slapped by a ghost. Clearly the handprint that was left on my cheek after it stung like someone had slapped it was from no one - and I know what you are going to say, I left it there myself, but I placed my hand over the handprint because I had that same thought, but the handprint mark on my cheek was much larger than my hands. My friend has had her doors in her house slam shut or go flying open, and no draft of air could do that! I sometimes hear footsteps in the attic above my bedroom, but there is no one up there, I have checked. They weren't little scurry-sounds of a mouse or rat, either, these footsteps sound like boots walking down a wooden hallway. Oh, and last - but never least - a friend and I decided that the ghost we had encountered before was following us, so we lit a candle and told the ghost that we were going to ask it a series of yes or no questions. All it needed to do was make the flame move up and down if it's answer was yes and move the flame from side to side if it's answer was no. We proceeded to ask it questions, and after every question the flame would move either up and down or side to side. Now, I know what people who believe ghosts are fake would say: our breath was moving the flame, but we were facing away from the candle and there was no breeze in the room.
Now, if you still don't believe in ghosts and you think that scientists are right: there are perfectly reasonable explanations for what I have experienced, then please, by all means - enlighten me. I would love to know why these things happen!
Happy Hauntings, Alyssa Hellenbrand.
Statues - What should you REALLY see?

What does this statue say to you?
Does this statue mean anything different than the
previous one to you? (other than the person)
And how about this one? Anything meaningful you gather from this picture?
Alright, I will tell you what is significant in each photo:
If the horse has one front leg in the air - the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.
If a statue of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air - the person died in battle.
If the horse has all four legs on the ground - the person died of natural causes.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Okay, so you should know that many of the randomly funny things I will blog about will come from a math class that me and my bestie, Danielle (, have together.
We were working on a math problem and our teacher asked the class, "So what are we going to get?" No one said a word, and then she continued, as if someone had answered, "That's right, negative one." Now that may not seem funny to you, but I can assure you, to Danielle and I, it was hilarious and we failed many times when we tried to make ourselves stop laughing.
Then, later in our math class, our teacher did the unforgettable. She said, "So what do we gots to do?"
Now, to some people that may seem fine, but to two students who practically consider reading and writing their lives, the improper grammar in which she used was horrible, and we both muttered - at the same time, "Oh my god." We shook our heads and, as I can only speak for myself here, I couldn't forget about that. Not okay in my book. After all, shouldn't teachers at least know the basics to proper grammar? Even if they are math teachers, they should still know how to properly speak!
Finally, when our teacher assigned more homework to the class, we all chorused 'aw' at the same time and she looked at us and sternly said, "Don't 'aw' me." That was just amusing.
Well, I hope I didn't bore you and I hope you return tomorrow for a new post.
Until then - Enjoy life, and don't pay any notice to those who call you weird, because I am weird in every way, yet you are here, reading all the way to the end of this post. Weird is fun, weird is creative, and weird isn't normal. Weird is better in my book!
We were working on a math problem and our teacher asked the class, "So what are we going to get?" No one said a word, and then she continued, as if someone had answered, "That's right, negative one." Now that may not seem funny to you, but I can assure you, to Danielle and I, it was hilarious and we failed many times when we tried to make ourselves stop laughing.
Then, later in our math class, our teacher did the unforgettable. She said, "So what do we gots to do?"
Now, to some people that may seem fine, but to two students who practically consider reading and writing their lives, the improper grammar in which she used was horrible, and we both muttered - at the same time, "Oh my god." We shook our heads and, as I can only speak for myself here, I couldn't forget about that. Not okay in my book. After all, shouldn't teachers at least know the basics to proper grammar? Even if they are math teachers, they should still know how to properly speak!
Finally, when our teacher assigned more homework to the class, we all chorused 'aw' at the same time and she looked at us and sternly said, "Don't 'aw' me." That was just amusing.
Well, I hope I didn't bore you and I hope you return tomorrow for a new post.
Until then - Enjoy life, and don't pay any notice to those who call you weird, because I am weird in every way, yet you are here, reading all the way to the end of this post. Weird is fun, weird is creative, and weird isn't normal. Weird is better in my book!
Introduction To Random Blogging
Now, I have three other blogs, and some may think I have a few too many, but I disagree with those weirdos. Am I obsessed with blogging? The answer to that question is this: YES! Is their a problem with that? The answer to that question is: UNKNOWN! Am I crazy? The answer to that question is: CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!
Well, anyways, I made this blog so that I wouldn't be writing pointless random crap on my other blogs. This blog is going to be 100% randomnessfullcrap, as my title informs you. During my blogging, I will answer any questions you people out there have for me - or, at least most of them. Also, you should know that you don't have to post your comments here on my blog, you can email me at Have a nice stay, and make sure to read some of my other blogs if you are bored and/or like music, writing, or reading. Here is a link to my main page:
Well, anyways, I made this blog so that I wouldn't be writing pointless random crap on my other blogs. This blog is going to be 100% randomnessfullcrap, as my title informs you. During my blogging, I will answer any questions you people out there have for me - or, at least most of them. Also, you should know that you don't have to post your comments here on my blog, you can email me at Have a nice stay, and make sure to read some of my other blogs if you are bored and/or like music, writing, or reading. Here is a link to my main page:
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