Saturday, September 8, 2012

School / Life

School was expected to be horrible this year because we were changed to an alternating block schedule that no one could understand, but now that we're actually living by that schedule, it doesn't seem at all bad anymore. In fact, it's really nice because we get more time to finish our homework, then. :)
Life hasn't disappointed me at all so far since school has started, well except for once when I started to forgive someone that doesn't deserve to be forgiven, but that's not the point. This year a really great guy has decided he likes me and we are now going out - I still can't believe how great it is to be around him, but we are both weird and we can share our lives with each other now. (Not in the dumb way) We talk about our problems and how our family is, we ask each other questions and learn unique things, and we enjoy sharing more about ourselves whenever we get the chance to see each other.
This school year isn't going to be so bad after all. :)

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