Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yes my boyfriend is crazy... but hey i am too.. and that's what makes us perfect for each other!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bowling High Score

Random Fact:
My highest score in bowling to this date = 213

Random and Bored

I'm suppose to be writing a film review on the movie, Walk the Line...but I really don't feel like it right now. Instead, I am listening to the song I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco and visiting my blogs.
Now I am bored and since I don't really have anything interesting to write about, things are about to start getting random. First of all, one of my friends has the most amusingly high-pitched sneeze I have ever heard. Second of all, it's amusing that my best friend and I are sitting next to eachother right now and our tops are similar (v-necked cami's that are both shades of pink and have lace trim at the top). We are also both typing on our blogs and seem to be typing at around the same rate and we tend to stop around the same times, so it's really amusing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Singing Range - Changed!?

My voice doesn't seem to work like it used hit on the head pretty hard by a fence being pulled down on me (thanks to a paniced horse that i love still anyways) really seems to have messed up my singing range. Every year my high school choir sings the Hallelujah Chorus and I sing the high soprano, however, this year I seem to be having issues hitting the high A...or is it a high B? Well, whatever - the point is that I can no longer sing the part that I have sang easily and happily for the last three years. That really grinds my gears...but I'm working on trying to get my normal range back. However, being a lower soprano or even an alto is always an option to me because, thankfully, I have a pretty good range.

Monday, September 24, 2012

How Many 5 Year Olds Could You Take In A Fight?

So I was bored and found out about this website thanks to YouTube's very own Vsauce...
And I came back with my results:

You could take on 18 five year old kids in a fight.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Old Friends vs New Friends

I have had my same friends for years and it feels weird knowing I am becoming more and more distanced from them this year. I really hate drama, and I plan on trying to avoid it, but my friends are my everything - they have been there through the good and the bad, they have been there through the fights and the struggles, and I am hoping they will be here for the times ahead. I rely on our friendship to keep me sane at school, because high school is a horrible place when you're alone. I would be less worried about this if my friends didn't keep posting things proving how different we are now - and how different we always knew we were. However, I appreciate their honesty on the situation because it is opening up my eyes and showing me that even though I am opening up and being less secluded inside of myself around new people, I still need those few friends that know me better than anyone else, even if they no longer feel as if they do. You see, just over two weeks ago I got a great boyfriend and I worry that the problem with my friendship with my old friends is the fact that they feel as if I am replacing them. I have never truly had a boyfriend before, so I understand that me spending time elsewhere is something new that everyone will need time to get used to. However, when it comes down to my old friends and the newer friends I have been starting to obtain, I will never give up the friendship I have with my old friends (until they do) because it means far too much to me. This does not mean I will change who I am or that I will not be spending time with my boyfriend, however, it rather means that I will be trying to find a balance that we can all work with and grow back into our old friendships as time allows.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Earth Harp by William Close (Really Good)

Earth Harp Live Clip  - William Close - MASS Ensemble
If you were thinking of skipping this video because you're bored, then skip to two minutes and let me know what you think.

This May Be The Best Instrument EVER!

Daniel Waples @ Lincoln Christmas Market 2011

Saturday, September 8, 2012

School / Life

School was expected to be horrible this year because we were changed to an alternating block schedule that no one could understand, but now that we're actually living by that schedule, it doesn't seem at all bad anymore. In fact, it's really nice because we get more time to finish our homework, then. :)
Life hasn't disappointed me at all so far since school has started, well except for once when I started to forgive someone that doesn't deserve to be forgiven, but that's not the point. This year a really great guy has decided he likes me and we are now going out - I still can't believe how great it is to be around him, but we are both weird and we can share our lives with each other now. (Not in the dumb way) We talk about our problems and how our family is, we ask each other questions and learn unique things, and we enjoy sharing more about ourselves whenever we get the chance to see each other.
This school year isn't going to be so bad after all. :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Great Day

I can't help smiling now. Just had a great date with an even greater guy. With a day that wasn't over 90 degrees, we were able to get some ice cream and walked around town while learning more about each other. Haha, we talked about a few unique things, but I enjoyed every moment of our date.