Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer Summary

Summer is flying by. It's been mostly just work and sleep, but I have had some really amazing days with my friends, too. Now that I am starting to force myself out of my shell, going places isn't as strange to imagine. I used to never go places with my friends because I felt weird if I had to drive or they did. If a parent drove, however, it was like my childhood was coming back to me and I was perfectly happy going all over.
This summer I have taken my friends to the mall, hung out with friends at the fair, and even gone horseback riding. Apparently I am a natural at riding horses, so I am catching on fast and will soon be ready for prolonged galloping. (Galloping is no problem, but my body's not used to it yet and it complains) Well, I hope these last few weeks of summer will prove interesting and eventful.
However, a recent tragedy may have made riding a no for the rest of the summer and I will be pretty upset if I can't ride at the place I have been riding at ever again. I am emotionally attached to those horses and my friend that's taking me is so attached that I don't even want to know how devastated and destroyed she would be if they banned her from coming back.
Please, summer, allow the last few weeks to be promising and happy with no more downfalls or injuries.

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