Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Friends Change - Pregnant & Rude

Sometimes friends change. Recently one of mine did. She came to the town I live in as an awkward, shy, and friendly girl that's weirdness soon had her close to my other friends and I. When we reached high school, though, she changed - and not for the better. Soon she became the class flirt and then that's when things really started to go downhill. She slept around, deserted her friends because her boyfriends seemed more important to her, she said some things that are unforgivably horrible, and now she's pregnant. She wanted to get pregnant, too, because she didn't want her boyfriend to be able to leave her. (she has abandonment issues) Now she has just him, the 14 week-old fetus inside of her, and whatever family will stick with them after what they have done. After almost half a year of talk, she finally got what she wanted. Now she won't be graduating high school, she will be a teenage mother, and she still needs to get a job. After today, though, I will no longer worry about her. This was her choice, she could have done so much better, and now although I wish nothing bad on her - I don't want her in my life ever again.
This is the last thing I sent her, this says all I have left to say to her, and now I am done.


  1. everyone is more prissy than her. btw why does everyone like me? seriously? can you explain that to me? I had a horrible thought the other day though and I'm ashamed of it. I thought to myself "Wow, maybe we shouldn't have saved her life" I was ashamed of it right after I thought it. Now all I can think is "I'm sorry for her baby" She thinks she will be able to support her baby and her fiance but really I don't think it's gonna last with her fiance. They were already having major fighting issues when there wasn't a baby involved and now that there is do you really think Allen's going to stick around? No and then she's going to drop out of school during her senior year because she cant support the baby and then she'll be just another sad statistic for teenage pregnancy because not even her "friends", which stoped talking to her because she's a bitch, will help her through it.

    1. I don't know why everyone likes you, haha, but it sounds bad that you're upset about it. Other readers wouldn't understand why you said that. But yea, I feel bad for her baby and I am almost positive that Allen is going to bail before or shortly after the baby is born because reality will finally hit him then.
