Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Is Just Drama, Not At All A Break From It

Summer's getting kinda bla again. Every time I try to do something I get a headache. And every option of hanging out with my friends hasn't worked out and then they've made me feel bad because suddenly I have let them down. Most of the time someone will ask me to go do something and I will have to work or there is some other commitment. So they try to convince me a few more times, and I have to explain each time. That makes me feel like a pretty crappy friend, so I wish those of you who are doing this to me would just understand. I have a job, I have a family that has commitments planned way further in advance than an hour before, and I also sometimes don't feel good or just don't have the resources. Like when I was asked to go swimming today, I would have loved to, but I need a new swimsuit and I would have in no way fit into that person's spare suit. And now I'm complaining to people who probably don't even care or just to the ones who are mad at me for the reasons I just stated.

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