Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Facebook's Status Shuffle Understands!

Now if you're a facebook user and you've ever heard of Status Shuffle, you may recognize some of these.  I never use someone else's words as my status because, to me, a status is how your emotions or feelings can be released. Today I'm thinking about my crush and how he may or may not know I like him. He may or may not feel the same way. Yet I do not know because I'm too scared to flat out say it to him. How can he not know when other's have already guessed it? One I thought already knew, and one I never expected to figure it out, and a few others know because they're my close friends and I trust them with the information of who I like. Now he's going off to college soon, you see, so I hope to tell him before he leaves. Even if it turns out he doesn't feel the same, I can deal with rejection way easier than I can deal with just flat out not knowing. Here are some status's that I thought seemed to make it appear that facebook's status shuffle understands me and how I feel. I know it's just other girls like me expressing what they feel - what I am also feeling - but sometimes you wonder how some internet little gadget could come up with words to voice your inner most feelings...

You have no idea how much your smile and hugs mean to me. They can change my day from glummy and sad to bright and happy real quick.

Hearing a love song and realizing mid-song how much I'm reminded of you makes me realize a few things:
1) I miss you
2) I'm falling for you

Just seeing you makes my day. Hearing you makes me smile. Everything you do doesn't bother me it makes me love you more and more everyday :)

I know you are flirting with me every time i see you. Why won't you just ask me out already?

Maybe one day I'll get the guts to tell you how I feel...But till then we'll stay just friends.

It's hard to find the perfect time to say something you know is gonna change everything...

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