Monday, May 21, 2012

Crush Over, Crush Begun

Something I have started to realise:
I am over my previous crush. I met him through work, and although I plan to be friends with him still, now I am no longer obsessed with trying to make him see that I am falling for him - because no longer am I falling for him. Actually, I don't even really know why I liked him in the first place.
Now I realise that someone I have been friends with for a while is the person I have really been falling for all the while. I will not mention his name in fear that he will read this because I don't think I am ready for others to talk of my newly discovered crush. I will say this much, though. He has always been nice to me and whenever I am around him I cannot help but have a better day. Already two of my managers at work have seen that something is growing between us, so maybe soon he will too. Hopefully he isn't the type of guy who wants a girl to make the first move and ask him out, though, because I have never done that before and I doubt I will be able to with him.

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