Sunday, August 18, 2013

Today's Mindset...

Why is it that we want our kids to be more and more unpleasant, we want them to wear less and less clothes to cover up, and we want them to have a boyfriend/girlfriend at 12? Sometimes even before then! We give 5 year old children iPhones, something I DON'T EVEN NEED! Nothing about this makes sense to me.
Oh, and then we have those "wonderful celebrities" who make our youth believe the more butt movement you can make towards someone's crotch is a great thing? I also don't really get why celebrities feel the need to be less and less sophisticated and intelligent.
When did brains stop being sexy?
Now being sexy means wearing little to no clothes, having fake tans, fake boobs or other body parts, and having dyed hair. Oh, and piercings. Yup, what happened?
However, I do know this does not apply to everyone.
To those of you crazies out there feeling the same as I feel, kudos to you! I am proud not everyone is giving into the power of globalization, media, and peer pressure. Remain true to who you really are and if you don't feel the need to practically ruin yourself for society's sake, please stay true to YOU!

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