Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mononucleosis - "Mono" - "Kissing Disease"

Well...I get the joy of either having Strep Throat...or Mono...
Not really looking forward to hearing any positive results on the mono aspect...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Rebecca Black - My Moment (Leave hurtful words and thoughts behind)

Rebecca Black, you don't know me, and I don't know you. However, I just want to say that this is the kind of music people enjoy. I understand being bullied, and your Friday song certainly was creative and daring. It just didn't have a meaning to support it. Here, on this song, you opened yourself up and there is heart behind it. I am very sorry you have to deal with all of the cruelty from people who cannot move past their initial thoughts. Also, when it comes to their comments about auto tune, ignore them, pretty much every artist uses it now. It adds new effects and layers to songs. You are going to be a big hit and I hope you do go to college and follow your dreams. Stay strong. :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

A New Beginning...

As some of my followers are aware, I am going to college to become a Veterinary Technician. Currently, I am not too far in the program, but I have achieved Honors grades and Perfect Attendance so far and my current quarter is keeping pace. In order to keep my motivation flowing, I started a new blog to cover interesting things I learn along the way. Currently, I only have my skills I have covered in my classes on this blog, but I promise: It WILL get more interesting! Check out my new blog here: A Vet Tech's Path and let me know what you think! Comment, subscribe, just read along; any loyalty is greatly appreciated!
Blog on!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's Been a While...

Wow, time sure flies! School, work, volunteer work, family, drama, all really evaporates my weeks. I will try to post more random crap more frequently again.
P.s. The death of Paul Walker...
There are no words...
So sad :(