Friday, November 1, 2013

Cute Squirrel Picture

             I am not sure quite why, but I have always adored squirrels. It could possibly be due to the fact that at the house I was in up until second grade, we had a neighbor that fed the squirrels. The lady loved these squirrels and you could tell they trusted her completely. They were all so much fun to watch. I believe that is where my squirrel infatuation began, but I cannot guarantee that. There was one squirrel that I really got to love, we named him Stubs. He had, somehow, lost most of his adorable bushy tail, so there was just an awkward fluff stump where his normal tail should have been. One other squirrel that I really remember was an albino one, his name was Whitey. I know, super creative.
             Anyways, enough background information about why I like squirrels, here's a really cute picture I found earlier today. This picture inspired this post. This picture inspired me to share about my squirrel obsession. I hope you enjoy it!

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