Sunday, July 8, 2012

Apple Products = Possibly Constipation?

Can apple products cause constipation?
       My brother's girlfriend just asked if apples could cause her stools to become less loose, and I decided to look it up. After a brief visit to google followed by two different links that looked promising, I now seem to have the correct answer to that question.
       "Banana, Rice, Apples, and Toast are suppose to help with lose stools.  So with constipation you are suppose to limit, or eliminate those and do the P's like Pears, Plums, Peas etc." -SueBee175
          "Everything I have read suggests apples are a laxative actually. Hence 'an apple a day'. It helps regulate digestion along with provides nutrients. However there is always the consideration too, that one can have too much of a good thing so limiting your intake is suggested. " -ravenfish
         Overall, it seems to me that the conclusion to if apples cause constipation, the answer is no. Apples help your digestive system work smoothly and should never cause any issues involving hardened stools, or constipation.

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