I got out of a crappy-ending relationship with a partner who clearly still had feelings for his ex shortly after this last christmas.
It was not fun.
But now I am back up, brushed off, and I am smiling, holding my head to the clouds again.
On January 20th I was introduced to a really real smile again. It was like nothing I expected.
I had thought that it would be a long time before I would be allowed to smile so honestly again.
And even more strange is how soon the feelings came back.
This guy is nothing like my first relationship, so I was shocked when my mind fell so hard for him.
I clearly had no idea what I like in a guy.
Happily, I can assure that this guy is kind, honest, humorous, and there is that new-relationship longing.
It is extremely strong between us and I cannot ignore it, not that I want to.
He keeps me going on the bad days.
I am opening my heart to him a little more every time we talk.
So...every day...