Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I learned biology my sophomore year in high school (10th grade) and now, two-and-a-half years later, I suddenly should remember the stuff I learned because it's required in college?!?! What is this monstrosity? Why on Earth would the school system do this? Chemistry was my junior year's science class (11th grade) and that's not required at all. I am not enjoying the over-all set up of the system right now.


  1. yeah....that sucks....lol biology was required too...at one point then we got the nazi for a principle remember? lol
    He's the one that messed everything up. lol I know he probably didn't but for the time being I still blame him lol

    1. I think I am over him completely at this point, but today I became even more afraid of that class...
      Integrated into the Bio stuff is...are you ready for it?
      CHEMISTRY!!! D:
