Monday, July 30, 2012

?Remember These?

Remember back into the 1990's. Do you remember those photo messages we used to have to figure out? They would use arrows and pictures to make us guess what they were trying to tell us. Well, this facebook cover photo I saw made me think back to those.


  1. Baby=? I dont remember, Pointing finger= "I want YOU....", Lightbulb= they just figured something out, Arrow= obvious, World= again obvious, Like button=.....yeah I just told you, body, else= I don't know what that means actually

    1. Hahaha. Okay, so it means:
      "Baby, you light up my world like nobody else."
      It took me until my second time reading it to understand. I couldn't figure out the lightbulb or the baby at first, but then I tried to figure it out while saying it out loud and it came without an issue.
