Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My Beliefs on Souls

Personally, I believe that souls can linger on our planes. I may be weird for thinking this way and believing the things I believe, but sometimes there is a presence that is noticed. I think souls have their reasons to linger or stay around longer than just the initial death. They cannot leave our plane until something they need to happen occurs and they are satisfied. Whether it be a form of justice/revenge, or maybe just a lending of their strength. When they are ready to leave us, they get to go to their final resting place.
At funerals, I truly believe the soul of the lost loved one is there with the ones who need him/her most. That soul knows you need the strength they can offer to you, so they stand by your side and help you through the rough patches.
Our loved ones don't always vanish right after they die. Actually, they never do, in my opinion.
Souls leave little bits of themselves on the ones who meant the most to them.
Love never does die.
Neither do our memories.

Friday, January 3, 2014

I'm Sorry It's Late - Happy Belated New Year!

Here's to trying to remember to write '14 instead of '13 on checks or whenever else we may need to write the date!